Friday, August 19, 2011

moving on up!

AHEM!  Last night, at the casa de Fueger, two very important events occurred.  Now, the first of these events had previously (numerous times) been attempted, albeit unsuccessfully.  And the unsuccessful attempts lead to tears, gnashing of teeth and flailing of hands... followed by a Real Housewives of  X-city marathon and some ice cream on the couch.  However, last night, none of that was necessary because....

I pulled on my pre-pregnancy jeans....

                                                              and they zipped up.

As in, I was able to wear them while dancing around yelling excitedly for John to come bear witness to this most amazing of all feats.  I literally spent nothing short of 2 minutes parading around my bedroom, congratulating my reflection in the mirror on getting 'er done (almost 10 months post-baby, but who's counting, right?)  I also spent a full 2 minutes calling, then shouting, then screaming for John to come see.  I meandered out to the hallway and stood at the top of the stairs, only to discover....

Jack had scaled three steps and was staring proudly up at me (important event #2).  It is now time for BabyGate2011 to descend upon us.  And so, this weekend, I will don my pre-preggo jeans and install gates on the top and bottom of our stairs. (And then afterwards, I'll probably settle in on the couch for a nice long Housewives marathon + Raspberry Sherbet ice cream.  C'mon now... Jack will share a few licks, too!)

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